

@interface IGListCollectionViewLayout
    : UICollectionViewLayout <IGListCollectionViewLayoutCompatible>


class ListCollectionViewLayout : UICollectionViewLayout, ListCollectionViewLayoutCompatible

This UICollectionViewLayout subclass is for vertically or horizontally scrolling lists of data with variable widths and heights. It supports an infinite number of sections and items. All work is done on the main thread, and while extremely efficient, care must be taken not to stall the main thread in sizing delegate methods.

This layout piggybacks on the mechanics of UICollectionViewFlowLayout in that:

  • Your UICollectionView data source must also conform to UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout
  • Header support given via UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader

All UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout methods are required and used by this layout:

- (CGSize)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(UICollectionViewLayout *)collectionViewLayout sizeForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
- (UIEdgeInsets)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(UICollectionViewLayout *)collectionViewLayout insetForSectionAtIndex:(NSInteger)section;
- (CGFloat)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(UICollectionViewLayout *)collectionViewLayout minimumLineSpacingForSectionAtIndex:(NSInteger)section;
- (CGFloat)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(UICollectionViewLayout *)collectionViewLayout minimumInteritemSpacingForSectionAtIndex:(NSInteger)section;
- (CGSize)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(UICollectionViewLayout *)collectionViewLayout referenceSizeForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section;

In a vertically scrolling layout, sections and items are put into the same horizontal row until the max-x position of an item extends beyond the width of the collection view. When that happens, the item is “newlined” to the next row. The y position of that row is determined by the maximum height (including section insets) of the section/item of the previous row.

Ex. of a section (2,0) with a large width causing a newline.

|[ 0,0 ][ 1,0 ]         |
|[         2,0         ]|

A section with a non-zero height header will always cause that section to newline. Headers are always stretched to the width of the collection view, pinched with the section insets.

Ex. of a section (2,0) with a header inset on the left/right.

|[ 0,0 ][ 1,0 ]         |
| >======header=======< |
| [ 2,0 ]               |

Section insets apply to items in the section no matter if they begin on a new row or are on the same row as a previous section.

Ex. of a section (2) with multiple items and a left inset.

|[ 0,0 ][ 1,0 ] >[ 2,0 ]|
| >[ 2,1 ][ 2,2 ][ 2,3 ]|

Interitem spacing applies to items and sections within the same row. Line spacing only applies to items within the same section.

In a horizontally scrolling layout, sections and items are flowed vertically until they need to be “newlined” to the next column. Headers, if used, are stretched to the height of the collection view, minus the section insets.

Please see the unit tests for more configuration examples and expected output.

  • Direction in which layout will be scrollable; items will be flowed in the perpendicular direction, “newlining” when they run out of space along that axis or when a non-zero header is found.



    @property (nonatomic, readonly) UICollectionViewScrollDirection scrollDirection;


    var scrollDirection: UICollectionView.ScrollDirection { get }
  • Set this to adjust the offset of the sticky headers in the scrolling direction. Can be used to change the sticky header position as UI like the navigation bar is scrolled offscreen. In a vertically scrolling layout, changing this to the height of the navigation bar will give the effect of the headers sticking to the nav as it is collapsed.


    Changing the value on this method will invalidate the layout every time.



    @property (nonatomic) CGFloat stickyHeaderYOffset;


    var stickyHeaderYOffset: CGFloat { get set }
  • Set this to YES to show sticky header when a section had no item. Default is NO.



    @property (nonatomic) BOOL showHeaderWhenEmpty;


    var showHeaderWhenEmpty: Bool { get set }
  • Create and return a new collection view layout.



    - (nonnull instancetype)


    init(stickyHeaders: Bool, scrollDirection: UICollectionView.ScrollDirection, topContentInset: CGFloat, stretchToEdge: Bool)



    Set to YES to stick section headers to the top of the bounds while scrolling.


    Direction along which the collection view will be scrollable (if content size exceeds the frame size)


    The content inset (top or left, depending on scrolling direction) used to offset the sticky headers. Ignored if stickyHeaders is NO.


    Specifies whether to stretch width (in vertically scrolling layout) or height (horizontally scrolling) of last item to right/bottom edge when distance from last item to right/bottom edge < epsilon(1)

    Return Value

    A new collection view layout.

  • Create and return a new vertically scrolling collection view layout.



    - (nonnull instancetype)initWithStickyHeaders:(BOOL)stickyHeaders


    convenience init(stickyHeaders: Bool, topContentInset: CGFloat, stretchToEdge: Bool)



    Set to YES to stick section headers to the top of the bounds while scrolling.


    The top content inset used to offset the sticky headers. Ignored if stickyHeaders is NO.


    Specifies whether to stretch width of last item to right edge when distance from last item to right edge < epsilon(1)

    Return Value

    A new collection view layout.